
Hola, my name is Tish and this is my story

I believe in nurturing the interconnectedness of ALL life; it’s our true nature to care about each other and for the well being of Mother Earth. Those with the courage to step outside a world that fosters separation and fear are the change makers-–together we can dream up a new life, a new way of co-existing. 

I believe that truth is our nature, that when we return to present moment awareness we see the beauty around and inside of us, we feel the joy in our hearts, and we return to our true nature of BEing one with Nature. 

 What I’ve learned from living in Community

Community is the antidote to fear; it is an instrument in co-creating our dreams into reality. Community builds coherence and when we gather we are stronger. Through compassion, regeneration, and self-sustaining ecosystems we can form a revolution against systems that are outdated. We can transform and evolve as a species by reclaiming our freedom and expanding the lens through which we view life. 

 Gathering in community makes us a stronger human species

Community is a portal for healing 

In community we hold each other’s tender hearts and reflect the parts that we sometimes hide 

Community empowers legacy 

Community is unconditional love at its core

Community is a symbiotic relationship with each other and the planet

Community is courage in action 

Community is accepting every human as they are

Community builds coherence

Community is the lineage of care and interdependence 

Community opens our hearts for a sense of belonging


My Story

In the spring of 2020, when the world came to a complete standstill, the universe sent me to the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. It was here that I discovered what it means to feel grounded in simplicity. I felt a deep calling to return “home”, something I haven’t had for many years, as I was constantly traveling for work. I was longing for stillness, slowing down, and having family and community around me. I was curious what it would feel like to have my own garden and harvest my own greens. For these reasons, the pandemic was a blessing for my well-being.

Born in South Africa, I came to Costa Rica in search of belonging after years of a nomadic lifestyle. As a producer of retreats and transformational events, I had not lived in one place for more than six months since arriving. For a long time I felt like an outsider, constantly searching, and seeking to put down roots with others who shared similar values.

Amidst the collective uncertainty, I was called to the mountains of Talamanca on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica to spend time with a small family on their land. We had met at one of my events two years prior. We came together in a prayer to ask the earth how we could serve her.

The message was clear: to co-create a refuge in which others can live from the heart, regenerate the earth, become self-sustaining, and support each other in our journey on earth. That day we planted the seeds of what is now Om Sat, a thriving community with 18 full-time residents, a small alternative school, and various projects that support the community. As the co-founder of Om Sat and founder of the Costa Rica Community Network, I am a leader and guide in the pioneering stages of community, and serve as a bridge between the vision and the manifestation of a community co-creation.


Through honoring the land I walk on, I serve as a conduit in the healing between the Indigenous and the Western culture. 

As the world finds itself in a great transition, I have accepted this role which feels divinely given to connect others with transformational communities that provide healing, a deeper connection with the earth. and self-actualization.


Meet the OmSat Community


Meet Tish Steenkamp

After a prestigious career in corporate finance in South Africa, Tish traveled the world to find healing for her soul.

Her search led her to Costa Rica, where she has been curating and coordinating health and wellness retreats in Costa Rica for the past 7 years.

She is a guide for sacred plant medicines, offering safe spaces for people to gather in circles for transformation and remembrance. She is an extraordinary event producer, supporting major events such as Envision Festival for six years through the co-creation of the yoga temples.

Tish is the co-founder of Visionaries Immersion, a movement to bridge global visionary leaders in communities with the Indigenous culture of Costa Rica.

Her experience co-founding a community project in the Caribbean coast of Talamaka called OM Sat birthed her calling to become a Community Creatrix, supporting others in their journey to find communities for healing and transformation.

Trained & Certified

  • Diploma in Community Development Alison Courses 2021

  • Psychedelic Leadership MasterMind with Laura Dawn 2021

  • ART International Level 1 + 2 (Authentic Relating Training)

  • Bcompt Financial Risk Management UNISA 2009-2013 - South Africa

  • Diploma in Project Management Damelin College 2007-2008 - South Africa

  • Certification in Retreat Coordination and Production 2013-2014 - Costa Rica

  • RYT 200h YTT Certification Yoga Alliance 2012 - Peru Sacred Valley

  • Eco Restorative Chef Accreditation 2018 - Costa Rica

  • Moon Mother® Certification 2017 - Costa Rica

  • Sacred Cycles Doula Training 2018 - Costa Rica

  • The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® 2018 - Guatemala, Lake Atitlan

  • Vortex Crystal Healing Certification 2013 - USA

  • Holistic Wellness Coach Accreditation 2014 - USA

  • Sound Therapy Certification with Vyola Myst 2018 - Costa Rica

"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."

— Arundhati Roy