We are here to help members discover community

Living opportunities in locations that are more conducive to human well-being, our mission is to be the conduit for attracting conscious visionaries, leaders, and families looking to build a thriving, human future in Costa Rica! 

We believe that true wealth is found in the well-being of the web of life.

Many of us are being called to come together in community like never before to reimagine and co-create the future from our wisest and most compassionate selves. As we heal together and discover the sacredness of all Life,
we can begin to re-create a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.




We are supporting the building of an international network of inspiring, live-work-play communities in beautiful locations around Costa Rica for the conscious lifestyle and wellness tribe.

We support families and individuals who are ready to relocate to Costa Rica and find their community or village to live in and thrive! 

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

- Socrates     


Community Network Costa Rica is a living organism that helps community leaders & members create harmony with self & nature

We believe in nurturing the interconnectedness of ALL life. We are wired to care for each other and for the well-being of our Mother Earth. We live in a world of separation, scarcity, and fear where change is the only constant. but WE are the change-makers. TOGETHER we can dream up a new way of co-existing in harmony with Self and Nature. 

Community is the lineage of care and interdependence. Community builds coherence and when we gather we are stronger. We can form a revolution against systems that are outdated. Together we can be transformative and evolve as a species by reclaiming our freedom.


Are you…


Searching for a beautiful parcel of land to start your own eco-village or community land project in Costa Rica?


Seeking help in community structure and setup with land you have already found?


Interested in living in an intentional community in Costa Rica?


Looking to buy land and build your dream home within a community project?

We have carefully handpicked community projects to partner with that honor the earth and support our values, so that you can trust us to ensure you are taken care of.


How we can work together


Consulting & Concierge Services

These services are designed for individuals and families who are interested in relocating to Costa Rica into community living and need guidance and/or support in their transition. Our consultation service will answer all your questions and tend to all your needs connected to your move. Our concierge service will help you plan your trip to Costa Rica and provide guidance for you to visit communities, eco-villages, and other places of interest.

New Community Development

This service is designed to support leaders and teams involved in the formation of new intentional communities in Costa Rica, including the development projects in these communities. We also arrange tours of existing communities and eco-villages for those interested in seeing what is currently happening in Costa Rica. The heart and soul of this service is in offering a blueprint and guidelines on the art of being human in community.


Community Network Council

This service is designed for Costa Rica community leaders to gather online for full moon councils to help leaders understand how they can build loyalty, strengthen identity, and live out shared values.

Special guest experts such as indigenous elders and way-showers in community building and development, relating, and conservation will be invited to certain monthly council meetings.


A little about our founder…

I believe that truth is our nature, that when we return to present moment awareness we see the beauty around and inside of us, we feel the joy in our hearts, and we return to our true nature of BEing one with Nature.   

What I’ve learned from living in Community…

Community is the antidote to fear; it is an instrument in co-creating our dreams into reality. Community builds coherence and when we gather we are stronger. Through compassion, regeneration, and self-sustaining ecosystems, we can form a revolution against systems that are outdated. We can transform and evolve as a species by reclaiming our freedom and expanding the lens through which we view life. 

Feedback from our community leaders

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“…seemingly effortless ability to support, uplift, and connect communities.”

Tish is one of the rare people who I have worked with that exemplify true leadership. She is both visionary and grounded in action. One of her unique gifts is her seemingly effortless ability to support, uplift, and connect communities.

IAN MICHEAL, Co-founder of Holos Global

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“…leading the way in this new paradigm of heart-centered manifestation.”

Tish is such a beautiful, powerful woman to co-create with. She is incredibly precise with her energy and quickly manifests very potent projects. She's leading the way in this new paradigm of heart-centered manifestation.

MOSE, DJ & Music Producer

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“A genius at bringing the perfect constellation of humans together for any event, gathering, or community.”

Tish understands the value of coming together - to pray, to celebrate, and to live - in a profound way. The perfect alchemy to fulfill a fundamentally unique and pivotal role in our lives, both from an event production standpoint and in terms of community design.

MARIA CHAVES, Medicine women & founder of Sacred Earth Warriors

Want to learn more? Check out our free resources, articles, and more from our CNCR members!

Top things to consider prior to joining a community!


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