What We Value


Together we create and build a new path, a different journey,

one that enables greater wellness through a symbiotic coexistence,
lived in harmony with our world as it supports life unconditionally.


Honor The Earth

We are the Earth Guardians and it starts with having reverence for Gaia. The future of life on earth depends on our ability to honor the earth as a living breathing being.


Reciprocity & Right Relation

Mutual giving and receiving is the foundation for supporting our needs as humans and restoring balance to the earth.



When humans care for each other, they become accountable to each other. Care and accountability create a productive community.


Human Connection & Belonging

Human connection is a critical need. A sense of belonging helps us recognize our gifts and service to the community.

Inclusivity & Equality

We invite the inclusivity of all indigenous people and believe in fair treatment and opportunity for all living beings. 

Trust & Kindness

Practice mutual respect for an individual's proclivities and experiences that are different from our own.


Regeneration & Sustainability

Restoring and enhancing ecosystems in nature and community, building a sustainable future to live in harmony with each other and our Earth.

Interconnectivity & Evolution

Realizing that one is interconnected to every particle in our known universe can shift one's paradigm from a life of isolation and disconnection to a model of wholeness. 

Spiritual Development

Ultimately all that we experience is exactly what we need for our spiritual development individually and collectively. We believe our souls are here to have a human experience.


“The future can't be predicted but it can be envisioned and brought lovingly into being. Systems can't be controlled, but they can be designed and redesigned."”

— Donella Meadows