Meet Our Team


We are a small team of dynamic professionals and community members that are passionate to serve humanity during this great shift in co-creating the new earth.


Tish Natashia Steenkamp - Founder & Community Creatrix

I believe in nurturing the interconnectedness of ALL life; it’s our true nature to care about each other and for the well being of Mother Earth. Those with the courage to step outside a world that fosters separation and fear are the change makers-–together we can dream up a new life, a new way of co-existing. 

 Community is the antidote to fear; it is an instrument in co-creating our dreams into reality. Community builds coherence and when we gather we are stronger. Through compassion, regeneration and self-sustaining ecosystems, we can form a revolution against systems that are outdated. We can transform and evolve as a species by reclaiming our freedom and expanding the lens through which we view life.

Phil Centers - Community Development Consultant


Phil Centers is a retired Waldorf and international school leader. He's a passionate teacher, administrator, researcher, writer, editor, mediator, and consultant, and a trained and experienced accountant, information systems specialist, and auditor. In his 16 years of teaching all ages from kindergarten through community college and 16 years of experience as an educational administrator, Phil has been a core member of teams developing school communities in the Middle East, Africa, and several parts of the U.S. He is known as a master mediator as well as a kid whisperer. Phil has been deeply involved in alternative, healthy and sustainable living for over 40 years, and is thrilled to be part of the groundbreaking work of Community Network Costa Rica.

Phil has Waldorf teaching certification from Rudolf Steiner College; a BBA (magna cum laude) from The University of Michigan; his public school teaching credential from San Jose State University; an MA in Educational Leadership from Touro University California; his school administrator certification from the International School Leadership Program through The University of San Francisco and Washington State University; and advanced training in effective communication with Selwa Said of Seaside, California. Phil is currently writing his first book, A Revised Course in Miracles.

Dayna Seraye - Community Relating Guide

Dayna Seraye is a teacher and facilitator of personal transformation, guiding individuals and teams to greater awareness, resilience and connection. She is a Senior Course Leader and Director of Leadership and Facilitator Training for ART International where she educates and trains participants in the skills of authentic relating, emergent leadership and group facilitation. She also works with individuals and couples in her Relational Coaching practice to uncover and heal relational blindspots, amplify conscious communication, and transform conflict into intimacy and connection.

A student and teacher of yoga and integrative healing for over two decades, Dayna has led retreats, trainings and immersions around the world and has taught internationally at renowned conferences and festivals. She now offers yoga and meditation online at where she synthesizes her passions for self care, evolution and healing into digestible practices for people on the go. Her passion is to co-create regenerative communities and cultures where humans live in right relationship with self, others and our earth, embodying a lifestyle of interconnectivity with all of life.



Luke Kohen - Council Guide

Luke Kohen is a heartist, storyteller, mentor & ecopreneur with over a decade of experience empowering individuals, groups & movements.

As a mentor & ecopreneur, Luke serves as a self-mastery guide for entrepreneurs & change agents. He has been offering advanced healing work for over a decade & consulting with leaders & organizations at the intersection of social impact entrepreneurship, new systems change, conservation & universal wisdom traditions. 

As a heartist, storyteller & influencer Luke is helping shape a new cultural narrative; spreading a positive message to a wide range of listeners crossing genres from hip-hop & spoken word to Neo-soul & future folk. 

Luke’s essence is that of a tribal person, devoted to empowering community, nourishing the global village & reigniting humanity’s benevolent soul to help create a world that works for everyone. 


Katiel Gray - Community Concierge

After spending ten years in the music industry, Katiel has taken her event management skills and joined the Community Network CR team. The experience that she gained from organizing international festivals, events, and tours will now be used to help facilitate the CNCR vision. Through assisting with the initial setup to supporting each client on a daily basis, her desire is to help build a sustainable foundation for CNCR.  

Currently, Katiel is working remotely, living in the United States working in wildlife conservation and environmental protection. Deeply connected to the earth, Katiel has spent much of her life working with the land, its animals, and various plant medicines, which she believes to be her greatest teachers.  She has heard the call for many years to connect back to her roots and find her home within the jungle. Following her soul’s journey, committing to inner healing work, and cultivating deep wisdom, the time for her to journey to Costa Rica has come.  She is beyond excited to make the move this winter and eternally grateful to support others in their soul's journey home to their very own community.



Edward Zaydelman - Community Development Consultant


Over the years Edward has consulted international hotel brands, developed his own retreat center Vida in Costa Rica, produced unique events around the globe, and worked with top thought leaders in the personal growth and wellness space has left him quite invigorated. Impacting people’s lives in a positive way through experiential education and hospitality is a true passion.

His mission is to connect people to the resources, wisdom, and community that will help them live their best lives and feel whole.

Co-creating new models of communities and regenerative neighborhoods, retreat centers and hospitality operations, transformational education and events, and opportunities aligned with freedom, nature, adventure, and awe.


Diva Firoozi - Digital + Creative Director

Diva is a designer, coach, and digital systems creatrix specializing in bringing creative businesses into their electronic manifestations. After growing up in a high-paced business environment in Shanghai, China Diva has used her global and corporate level business acumen, cultural exposure, and design taste to establish a boutique creative agency.

She is an alchemist of sacred technology and mentee of Android Jones’ theories relating spirituality and altered states of consciousness named as Electro-Mineralism. Her agency supports conscious entrepreneurs to bring their businesses online and learn to navigate the digital realms that are required of the times. Diva bridges the worlds of nature, healing, movement, nourishment, community, and other analog services with the digital dimensions for conscious businesses of all sizes.

First brought to Central America as part of the Envision production family in 2015, Diva has found herself living full-time in Nicaragua and thriving in Central America supporting clients throughout the region and worldwide.



Federico Gutiérrez Breedy - Nature + Education Preservation Consultant

For the past ten years, Federico has worked with a nonprofit organization called Costas Verdes (, which dedicates its efforts to restoring coastal ecosystems through the permanent involvement of local communities. He has found that schools and educational centers are the most important components of this community involvement. Through the efforts of Costas Verdes, 65,000 native trees of over 60 species have been planted, 6,500 students at 30 educational centers have been interacted with, and so much more. The intention of Costas Verdes is to involve the community in a way that creates not just a significant environmental impact but also a significant social impact, educating future generations about the importance not just of maintaining the environment but of restoring it.

In 2020 the Envision Festival created its own association, Somos El Cambio, with the intention of having an independent entity through which the Festival can channel funds towards community projects such as environmental education, reforestation, animal rescue, and any other community needs we can identify. Somos El Cambio will continue to work throughout 2021 in its reforestation projects as well as identifying other needs within the community. These are just the initial plans, but we are always looking for other possible ways to integrate with the local community and be as much of a support as possible.


Terra Entheos - Community Council Guide

Terra Entheos is a passionate community organizer who understands the devotion needed to collectively synergize personal strengths in order to move through the transition of our times. After 27 countries and many wild stories, For years she facilitated suicide intervention training and became a certified community resource specialist to help people navigate the complex network of social services. Her experience in the crisis field led her to understanding how many societal problems are a barrier to wellness. 

Terra’s desire to initiate change within the social fabric led her to community organizing and working towards building on common interests between multi-stakeholder groups to affect positive social and environmental change.   

It has been an ongoing journey of reflection, action and integration over the last nine years of living in a foreign country, becoming residents, having two home birth babies abroad, learning a new language, navigating bureaucracies, learning about the public education and health systems, starting businesses and working for the Envision Festival in a myriad of roles.

Terra is honored and grateful to be a part of such a powerful team of experts and creators to support the bridge of communities across Costa Rica.


Cesar Rodriguez - Story Teller & Marketing


Cesar Rodriguez was born and raised in Honduras. He moved with his family to the US, where he eventually acquired a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business from Florida International University. At the beginning of his business career, he became an advertising consultant at local newspaper in South Florida where he got to interview over 1,000 business owners over three years and got intimately related to what makes the hearts of consumers tick. After helping that company grow tenfold under his management, due to his commitment to his clients’ success, Cesar decided to jump into, what was at the time, the new and obscure world of internet marketing and started his own marketing agency in 2012.

For the last 10 years, Cesar has been helping his clients remain innovative and stay on top of the latest and most successful customer-acquisition strategies available in the digital world. Most recently, Cesar’s journey has led him to want to help purpose-driven companies that are committed to making a positive impact in the world, and now trains his clients on not just the importance, but the advantage that it is to be a company that is not just turning profits, but also giving back and leaving the world better than we found it.

In his spare time, Cesar passionately shares his journey through blog and Podcast


Philippa Attwood - Indigenous Project Weaver

Meet Pippa, founder of FUTURO NATIVO. Pippa worked as a strategic project and program manager in the UK for 10 years, working heavily in the corporate industry until in 2015 she left to travel the Americas. During her travels, Pippa experienced firsthand destruction of the rainforests and natural habitats caused by industry and disregard and began to use her corporate skills for environmental and positive impact projects.

Eventually, her travels lead her to the Brazilian Amazon, where she lived within indigenous community for 1 year, learning the culture and building strong relationships and connections with the people and the land during 2019. Here she began to understand and observe the needs of the indigenous communities and was able to aid and support their projects. FUTURO NATIVO was born as an organization to support indigenous communities and serve as a bridge for the west to re-connect with indigenous culture, spreading the word of their ancient knowledge, protecting nature, and acting as guardians and custodians of the land.

During 2020 Pippa settled in Costa Rica, whilst continuing with projects in Brazil she now works with indigenous community in her new home, ultimately enabling the support of further projects. FUTURO NATIVO is partnered with CNCR to build and weave relationships with indigenous community in CR.


Julian Chaix - Financial Advisor & Investor

Julien is a musician, artist, mystic in training, and angel investor based on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, where he oversees a small permaculture farm and meditation retreat center called Eleusis Retreat.

An amateur traveler, psychonaut, gardener, dancer, and swimmer, Julien is a curious student of life and feels strange, while sort of enjoying, writing about himself in the third person.

Julien is interested in the intersection of science and spirituality, the connection between spiritual awakening and psychological healing, and the relationship between language and Reality (with the R capitalized). Mostly he enjoys playing music with friends in nature. He has three dogs and no children.

He graduated from Emory University in Atlanta with a degree in Comparative Religion, where he focused on Tibetan Buddhism, death and the cultural causes of the mental health crisis. His professional background is in cryptocurrency investing and a lot of wandering and seeking. He is currently half-way through a two year meditation teacher training program with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, as well as overseeing the construction of Eleusis Retreat Center on Lake Atitlan, which includes a small permaculture farm.

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it, and to foster its renewal, is our only legitimate hope

- Wendell Berry