Living Offgrid: What does it mean?

The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.

~ Abraham Lincoln

What does living off the grid mean to you? Is it all about sustainable living and renewable energy? But what does it really mean? Is it just a term? Is there some secret mysterious explanation? Is it simply opinion?

I used to think that off-grid living meant SURVIVOR! But my perspective shifted once I was able to fully immerse myself in different communities in Costa Rica that have been operating off-grid for a few years already. Growing up in the city of Pretoria in South Africa I could never imagine that I would enjoy the simplicity of off-grid living.

To me, the term off-grid now basically means living without being dependent on public utility companies and the official power grid. An off-grid lifestyle often entails producing your own energy (from the sun or wind), growing your own food and livestock, and living in a sustainable house away from urban life.

After some research I’ve concluded some of the main reasons people want to live in off-grid communities:

  • Self-sufficiency

  • Sustainable living

  • Renewable energy

  • Environmental responsibility

  • Living simply

  • Smaller footprint

  • Less impact on the planet

In my experience, people who want to live off-grid seek independence and escape from the daily grind, intensity, and toxicity of city life. Those amongst my friends who yearn for this lifestyle talk about wanting to improve their quality of life. They wish life were slower. They like the idea of eating what they grow, and living and working at home with their family and community. Yet for most the thought of transitioning to this is scary.

Many of them also seek to escape from a concentration of so many people, the fear of being robbed, toxic bosses and customers, and instead to just live with a consciously-selected tribe that they love and respect. I believe that this lifestyle is possible, and would like to invite you to come to Costa Rica and experience off-grid living with us!

The desire to live in a more sustainable manner is growing in popularity in Costa Rica and many other parts of the world. Much more affordable and smart technologies are emerging, allowing people to still enjoy a comfortable lifestyle while significantly reducing their impact on the environment.

There are many different reasons people are choosing this lifestyle. For some, it is a personal journey involving taking responsibility for the impact they are having on the earth. For others, it is simply embracing an affordable alternative. Either way, the result is the same. We use fewer resources, live a healthier lifestyle with more nutritious food while learning new skills and doing our part to help the earth.

With the rising of communities being formed in Costa Rica, I believe more people will be attracted to live off-grid.

I’ve listed my top 5 reasons to move off-grid:

  1. Independence

  2. Environment

  3. Happiness

  4. Connect with nature

  5. Freedom

I’m curious what off-grid living means to you, and if you have an interest in this lifestyle.

Please share your thoughts with me! If you are interested in visiting off-grid communities in Costa Rica feel free to reach out to us via We would love to be a guide for you in exploring this simple yet very rich lifestyle.




Om Sat Community